Green Chile SmashBurger

Green Chile SmashBurger


4 Brioche Buns 

1 lb of hamburger meat 

Slices of Colby Pepper Jack cheese 

Seasoning of your preference


Perfect for any time of year, this Green Chile Smashburger entry from our 25 Years of Flavor contest by grillmaster @_bbqfriend is an easy, budget-friendly hit. 

While your griddle or cast iron gets hot, roll 4 4oz patties and toast your brioche buns.

Add your hamburger meat to the griddle. Smash down and season to your preference. @_bbqfriend uses Meat Church Holy Cow. 

When juices show on top, flip and cover with Colby Pepper Jack Cheese. 

When cooked, double-stack and pull off pan/griddle. Add Flame Roasted Green Chile in pan/griddle to heat. 

Once warmed, top your burgers with it and enjoy!